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Macro vs Micro:

You have aligned yourself with various micro-managers to assist with your financial decision making. You may neither have the time nor the expertise in each area to evaluate the performance of your micro-managers. The presence of a Macro Manager may enable your micro-managers to better perform their services. 


Managing Your Financial World

Often times, financial professionals offer advice that is independent of other experts in certain fields. But what would it look like if rather than making one decision at a time, at different times, and with different people, we instead coordinated each decision at the same time?


Our approach is to synchronize the many financial decisions in your life on a Macro scale. We utilize many Micro individual decision-makers to create a financial plan that is designed to work on the Macro level.

9 Rules of Money

Everything you need to know about money, in 9 simple rules. 

Rulebook Summary.png

This information is not intended to be and should not be treated as legal, investment, or tax advice. Readers, including professionals, should under no circumstances rely upon this information as a substitute for their own research or for obtaining specific legal or tax advice from their own counsel.

The content within this website is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. It is important to note that the implementation of any strategies provided as a part of LEAP are designed to aid one in reaching their financial objectives, but no assurance can be made that these objectives will in fact be reached. Individual results may vary.  LEAP®, Leap-The Model for Financial Success™, The Leap Model™, Macro Manager™, Personal Macro Economics Process™, Wealth In Motion®, Protection, Savings, and Growth (PS&G) Model®, and Lifetime Economic Acceleration Process™ are trademarks and service marks of Leap Systems, LLC.


To the extent that this message or any attachment concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used and cannot be used by a taxpayer tor the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute the solicitation of life insurance as defined in the recipient's country of domicile. Recipients of this communication can only purchase life insurance through agents who are licensed in their country of domicile.

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